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Flame Leviathan

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Flame Leviathan Empty Flame Leviathan

Indlæg  Phatmoo 30.04.09 16:45

The Flame Leviathan is a construction of Mimiron, a siege tank equipped with powerful defences who guards the way into the interior of Ulduar. After players lay siege to the front of the complex they must defeat the Flame Leviathan to win passage to the Colossal Forge, the Scrapyard, and Razorscale's Aerie. This fight is completed using the siege vehicles given to the raid by Brann Bronzebeard's forces at the front of the instance. Normal players are quickly killed by Flame Leviathan's powerful fire aura and only the abilities of the siege vehicles are able to bring the boss down.

At Expedition Base Camp at the very beginning of the instance, players are granted access to salvaged vehicles—five of each type in heroic difficulty, and two of each in normal. Everyone in the raid is assigned to one of five roles:

* Siege Engine Driver – rams down buildings, knocks back enemies with a silence, and boosts speed to ram in or out of harm's way.
* Siege Engine Passenger/Gunner – brings down pyrite ammo in the air, and assists in shooting targets on the ground. Catch oil slicks on fire with the anti-air missile.
* Demolisher Driver – launches long-range fireballs and special pyrite barrels that deal massive damage.
* Demolisher Passenger/Gunner – salvages pyrite ammo and refills the demolisher, and can also load the player into the demolisher to be launched. Catch oil slicks on fire with the anti-air missile.
* Chopper Driver – plants inflammable oil slicks and can quickly pick up any players on foot to protect them from danger.

Passengers can pick up explosives to throw at enemies, and once you engage the boss, can be thrown by demolishers on top of him.

The Veichles are:

Salvaged Chopper

* 504,000 HP
* 1 driver + 1 passenger
* Sonic Horn (20 energy) – 3,150 to 3,850 to all enemy targets within 35 yards in a frontal cone.
* Tar – puts a 10-yard pool of tar down that slows enemies by 75% (lasts 45 sec). Tar can be ignited.
* Speed Boost (50 energy) – increases the vehicle's movement speed by 100% for 5 seconds.

Salvaged Demolisher

* 428 000 HP
* 1 driver + 2 passengers

Driver's Abilities
* Hurl Boulder – 13,500 to 16,500 damage (10- to 70-yard variable range) similar ability to demolishers in Strand of the Ancients and Wintergrasp.
* Hurl Pyrite Barrel - 27,000 to 30,000 damage (uses 5 pyrite)
* Ram - 8,550 to 9,450 damage plus knockback ability
* Throw Passenger - available only when passengers load themselves into the catapult. Launches the passenger out of the catapult.

Passenger Abilities
* Anti-Air Rocket (10 energy) – 0.25-sec cooldown, 1000-yard range. Rapid-fire missile launcher, useful for taking down aerial opponents. Missiles explode and do AoE damage when striking a target. Catches oil slicks placed on the ground on fire.
* Cannon (20 energy) – 10- to 70-yard range. Unit damage has a wide range highly dependent on accuracy. An imprecise hit can do as little as 5,000 damage, while a direct hit will do upwards of 120,000 damage. Does approximately 2,300 damage to buildings.
* Grab Crate – using the hook and chain to grab the targeted crate to pick up Liquid Pyrite off the ground, which reloads the demolisher.
* Increased Speed – injects liquid pyrite into the engines, increasing movement speed by 100%. Lasts 1 minute.
* Load into Catapult – load yourself into the catapult arm, using yourself as ammunition.

Salvaged Siege Engine

* 1 451,000 HP
* 1 driver + 1 turret controller + 2 passengers

Driver's Abilities (Front Center Seat)
* Ram (40 energy) – 5,400 to 6,600 damage plus knockback (2850 to 3150 to buildings)
* Electroshock (38 energy) – 25-yard cone effect, spell interrupt, and 4-second school lockout
* Steam Rush (40 energy) – charge and some damage.

Turret Controller's Abilities (Back Center Seat)
* Anti-Air Rocket (10 energy) – 0.25-sec cooldown, 1000-yard range. Rapid-fire missile launcher, useful for taking down aerial opponents. Missiles explode and do AoE damage when striking a target. Catches oil slicks placed on the ground on fire.
* Cannon (20 energy) – 10- to 70-yard range. Unit damage has a wide range highly dependent on accuracy. An imprecise hit can do as little as 5,000 damage, while a direct hit will do upwards of 120,000 damage. Does approximately 2,300 damage to buildings.
* Shield Generator – Unlimited range - Instant - 1 minute cooldown. Places a shield around the Siege Engine for 5 seconds. The shield absorbs a limited amount of Physical, Frost, Fire and Arcane damage.

Flame Leviathan Abilities

* Flame Vents – a 10-second channeled cast that does massive AoE of about 2,000 damage per second around the boss.
* Battering Ram – knocks back melee-ranged targets and applies a debuff that increases damage taken by 100%.
* Gathering Speed – slowly increases in movement speed for 5% per stack up to 20 stacks (100% speed increase).
* Missile Barrage – all machines and players not in one will take 700 damage every 1 to 2 seconds.


This fight can be very tricky on 10-man because there are a lot of jobs that have to be performed and not a lot of seats available to perform them all. Begin by simply filling up all vehicle seats with the exception of the chopper passengers, and make your way down the Iron Concourse. Before pulling the final trash, make sure to establish a kiting path and try to stick to it at all times, if possible. Once the last group of trash is cleared, have one of your demolisher passengers load themselves into the catapult to be shot onto the Flame Leviathan. It is highly preferable that the person being launched up be a caster (Mage or Warlock), as they are the only ones who can effectively DPS both turrets. This person should work to bring down both the turrets. Optionally, you can wait to fully stun the boss until he has around 10 stacks of Gathering Speed. The reason for this is to minimize the number of times you fire someone to the boss to reduce potential mistakes, and the boss is easily kitable while at 10 stacks or less.

While one person is working on the turrets, kiting the boss and staying ahead of him is the priority. Siege engines should make use of Steam Rush while turret passengers should fire rockets at the boss and throw up the shield if necessary. While not kiting, Siege Engines should focus on interrupting Flame Jets using Electroshock.

Demolishers should stay at max range, in case they get targeted for kiting, and DPS with Hurl Boulder. Because one Demolisher launched it's passenger up to the boss, only one Demolisher will have a passenger. The demolisher with a passenger can DPS with Hurl Pyrite Barrel, but only if the passenger is on point about refilling the ammo. If the Demolisher with a passenger gets targeted, its as simple as using Increase Speed to stay ahead of the boss. If the Demolisher without a passenger gets targeted, the driver must simply be as clever as possible to stay away from Flame Leviathan for 30 seconds. Optionally, that driver can switch to the passenger seat, use the Speed buff, and then switch back; however, this will use half of the vehicle's ammo, and with no passenger, its a challenge to recover.

During this time, Choppers need to be laying Tar in the boss' path. It is the Choppers' responsibility to lay the tar in the boss' path; it is not the kiter's responsibility to direct the boss through your tar. If you establish a kiting path and stick to it, this shouldn't be a problem. Between Tar cooldowns, you can DPS with Sonic Horn but watch out for Flame Jets as it will shred your Chopper in a matter of seconds.

Once both Turrets come down, the boss will be stunned, take 50% more damage, Gathering Speed will reset to zero, and the turret DPSer will be launched into the air. At this point all Siege Engines and Demolishers should go all out DPS. Demolishers should spam Hurl Pyrite Barrel. One chopper should be assigned to collect the turret DPSer and bring him back to his Demolisher as quickly as possible.

After the stun wears off, simply repeat the process over again. At this point, depending on how low the boss is on health, you can choose to shoot the turret DPS back up, or just finish him off without bothering. Remember that the turret DPSer needs to do about 120k damage in order to kill both turrets and a well coordinated group is likely to be able to bring the Leviathan down before the DPSer finishes.

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Antal indlæg : 16
Tilmeldt : 29/03/09

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